Join Angela, Axel, Abel, Amos, Audrey and Asher as they welcome their new sibling home.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

We are HOME!!!!!

After a couple delays coming from Chicago, we finally made it home at 6:45 last night ( or 1:00 a.m. Serbia time, so Asher and I had been up for 22 hours.) Asher slept a total of 2.5 hours of the trip home. Behaviorally he was fantastic, but I do have an entirely separate blog post about diaper blow outs! Really they deserve their own post, it was THAT BAD! But God was good, and made sure I only had to deal with those and not the screaming 2 year old who sat in front of us on the transatlantic flight, NOR his 5 year old brother who puked most of the way. we are...home. Asher woke up at 4:45 this morning, lunch time according to his internal clock. It's now 7:30 a.m. and I'm going to see if he's ready for an afternoon nap. LOL


  1. Praise God you are home!!! Hope he has a nice nap! :) Enjoy your first day home! :)

  2. pics! pics! pics! We beg u! so overjoyed for your family. much love,

  3. I'm thinking I won't see much of the two of them until maybe Monday.

  4. Welcome home! I felt bad not being able to meet him at the airport but now that I hear you were delayed, I guess it worked out well that I didn't go there!

    Congrats! He's home just in time for Christmas...what a Christmas blessing for your family...

  5. Yay! Can't wait till there will be three kids in your header picture with your dogs. :D

  6. Fantastic, so glad that he's home with his wonderful family.

  7. Welcome Home! So thankful you are safely here and praying for sanity and rest before you start your doctor visits.
