Join Angela, Axel, Abel, Amos, Audrey and Asher as they welcome their new sibling home.

Monday, May 31, 2010

A Piece of Paper

Tonight I was praying for Ianna.

I saw the back of a person sitting at a desk full of papers. An overwhelming number of papers. The person reached over and picked up one paper. Stapled to the upper corner was a picture of Ianna.

The person, heavy with fatigue, looked at the picture for a second, and glanced over Ianna's history. Then put the paper down, signed it, stamped it, and moved it over to another pile.

All the while, Ianna was smiling back from that picture.

And that, my friends, is the image I'm going to bed with tonight. Of a signed piece of paper with Ianna's smiling face looking back.


  1. Lord Jesus, please move in the hearts of those who hold Ianna's future in their hands. Guide their thoughts as they make decisions about her life. Please Lord - open the door quickly for this precious child to make her way home.

  2. Yes! He moves mountains on behalf of these little ones! I've seen it happen before. Praying with you that it will happen again for Ianna. Blessings to your family!
    ~Jen from Hudson
