Join Angela, Axel, Abel, Amos, Audrey and Asher as they welcome their new sibling home.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Ianna's country is 7 hours ahead of us. See that little bird over there? He told me it's very possible that tonight while we're sleeping, which will make it Wednesday in that country,  there will be a meeting taking place on the other side of the world. That is when our family profile will be submitted to the Ministry Officials in Ianna's country. We should have an answer within a few days as to weather or not they've accepted our profile.

There is still the step of getting Ianna legally registered for international adoption. If our profile is accepted, it will be an incentive for her case manager to get her registered since they will know there is already a family pre-approved to for her.

Guess who will not be sleeping the next couple of nights? Who am I kidding? I didn't sleep LAST night! LOL


  1. Leah, I'm praying for a miracle and that God would send His angels to prepare the way for ALL those adoptions papers and signatures to get done..

  2. I'm praying so hard that this happens. There was a little girl on 'Something Special' (that is the show that teaches kids Makaton) that had Apert Syndrome and I just about cried. She was lovely and all I could think of was Ianna.
